The Reverend Doug Hayashi

Yes, the rumors are true.  I am now a fully ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.  So now I can perform the typical duties of a minister.  I can now also make reservations under the name "The Reverend Doug Hayashi" at hotels, restaurants, etc. 

So I know you have a lot of questions, and using my newly found powers of perceptions and enlightenment, I will try to answer them on this webpage. 

1. say you are now a fully ordained minister.  Is this legal?

Of course it is legal!  The Universal Life Church is a legal entity.  Back in 1974, the United States Government and other "established religious entities" tried to sue the Universal Life Church, saying it is not really a religious entity.  The United States District Court heard the case, and ruled that the Universal Life Church beliefs really does constitute a religious entity.  Click on the picture below for more info on the lawsuit.

The District Court Ruling

2.  Uh....what credentials do you have saying that you are a minister?

I have a full size certificate on my wall, stating that I was ordained as a minister on July 4th, 2001, and have all the rights and privileges to perform all duties of the Ministry.

The Universal Life Church Credentials of Ministry

And I have a clergy badge, and official wallet sized credentials that I carry around with me.  Could be useful if I ever get pulled over by law enforcement officials.

Clergy badge and wallet credentials

Oh, and I also have a special pass in case I have to park in an illegal parking zone to perform any minister duties.

The ULC Parking Pass

3.  What the hell does your church and religion believe in?

The Universal Life Church is a non-denominational church that has no traditional doctrine.  The Universal Life Church believes in Eternal Progression, A Fuller Life for Everyone, and to Live and Help Live.  Can you argue with those beliefs?

The Summary of what the Universal Life Church believes in.

4.  So you are a minister.  What does this mean you can do?

I can legally marry people in the state of California.  Below is the law regarding ministers marrying people:


Any priest, minister, or rabbi of any religious denomination, of the age of 18 years or over may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete the marriage license and return it to the county clerk within 4 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county clerk.

Blank Marriage Certificate, waiting for the first lucky couple

5.  Are there tax deductions because you are now a minister?

No, there are no tax deductions that can be taken as an ordained minister.

6.  So what else have you done lately with the Universal Life Church?

I recently completed my Doctorate degree.  So now you can legally call me the Reverend Doctor Doug Hayashi.

Credentials for a Doctor of Universal Life

7.  What will be your next official duties as a minister?

One of the next things is to convince Wayne and Amy (Wayne's 19 year old girl friend who just bought a house with Wayne) to let me marry them.  Or my marry my cousin Craig and his fiancee' Donna.  But you all know what my REAL FIRST OFFICIAL duty will be.


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